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After Beauty School

Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production on Unsplash

Now that you’ve made the leap to turn your passion into a career, what’s the next step?

Once you finish Beauty School, you’re ready to get your career started. Here are a few tips to help you along the way.

Utilize a portfolio

Keeping an ongoing record of what you’re doing is of the utmost importance. As a skin therapist or Nail Technician it is still a great idea to have photo of the progress you are continually making. This will be a great reference point for clients and potential employers. Your portfolio can be as simple as having a social media account dedicated to your work.

Be ahead of the curve

As you know beauty is a fast changing industry, as a beauty professional you want stay informed. Your clients and friends will look to you for the next big thing, whether it’s a new service or the newest brow trend.

Pick your path

There’s a multitude of directions your career in beauty can take. Here are a few other creative option you might have not thought of.

  • Product development
  •  Marketing
  • Education
  • Public relations
  • Events Co-ordinator

Work your way to the top

Our top tip of the day! Work your way up and take advantage of opportunities along the way. You simple never know where you’ll end up and what you’ll enjoy doing. Be curious, ask questions and be open to meeting new people from all walks of life. They may just be the person to your next employer.